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The Yeren (Scientific Synonym: Dinanthropoides chinensis/Scientific Name: Sasquatch chinensis) is a Chinese Bigfoot, variously referred to as the Yiren, Yeh Ren, Chinese Wildman or Man-Monkey. The Yeren is a mysterious primate living in the mountains of China, with most of the sightings coming from the remote Hubei province.

It has reddish brown hair (though very rare, sighting of white Yeren have been seen--this may indicate either albinism or elderly members of the species) and a large jaw. It is six to eight feet tall (in a few extreme cases they were reported to up to 12 feet tall), and is generally friendly but reserved around humans.

According to Xinhua, over 400 people have reported seeing the Yeren. The Chinese government has searched China to find the Yeren. Many footprints and hair traces have been found. However much like the Yeti or Sasquatch, the species has never been confirmed by scientists and remains in the realm of legend and cryptozoology. Despite its size, it is said to be less robust and stocky than its other relatives like Sasquatch.


None of the witnesses typically report the creatures to be covered in reddish colored hair. Some white specimens have also been sighted. Their height is estimated to range from six to eight feet, although some colossal examples allegedly in excess of twelve feet tall have been reported. The Yeren has a head shape more similar to humans than other apes (unlike the Sasquatch) with a sunken face, protruding lips covering large, horse-like teeth and a bulbous nose with upturned nostrils. Overall, it is smaller than the American Bigfoot. Like Bigfoot, the Yeren is peaceful and will generally quietly walk away when encountering people in the Zhejiang province.

Though the Yeren are generally thought of as nonviolent creatures, a news article surfaced in 1980 detailing the story of a woman who claimed to have been kidnapped by one. She spent twenty-seven days in the Hubei province and was at some point impregnated by the anomalous simian. The offspring died at age 22 twenty years before the article was released, and, astonishingly enough, a later analysis of his bones supposedly showed characteristics of both man and ape!

Other hominids:[]

Subfamily Infrafamily Tribe Genus Species
Homininae Hominodd Homini Homo Avari, Brenchian, Chimer, Cryomancer, Crystalmaster, Cyclops, Dark Elf (Elder Scrolls), Dark Elf (Final Fantasy), Deviant, Dwemer, Edenian, Fairy, Fairy (Torchwood), Falmer, Giant, Grunka Lunka, Homo erectus, Homo Magi, Homo nintendonus, Hylian, Imskian, Jovian (The Long Night), Kryptonian, Licker, Lorulean Hylian, Melchahim, Modern-Day Human, Mutant, Neanderthal, Oompa Loompa, Red Human, Redguard, Sheikah, Snow Elf, Snow Elf (Diakatan), Solar Imperial Noble, Suitor, Vampire, Villager (Minecraft), Viltrumite, Vincian, Wendigo (Supernatural), Werewolf, Zombie villager
Pseudohomo SCP-049, SCP-096, SCP-966, Slender Man
Australopithecus A. garhi, A. africanus, A. sediba, A. afarensis, A. anamensis, A. bahrelghazali ,A. deyiremeda
Legoini Lego Lego Person, Monder Everson, Robloxian
Gorilodd Gorilini Gorilla Eastern Gorilla, Gorilla
Dinanthrini Dinanthropoides Bigfoot, Bigfoot (2012 Film), Skunk ape, Yeti, Yowie
Anthrocephalus Agropelter
Ponginae Ponginodd Pongini Pongo Bornean Orangutan, Sumatran Orangutan
Ursihominiae Disputed Ursihomini Nasurspith Bear-nose-Ursihominid
Ursipongini Urspango Ursi-Chimp-Orangutan
Ursprepongo Ursi-Pre-Orangutan
Ursaurispith Bear-eared Ursihominid, Orange Bear-eared Hominid