All Species Wiki
Ventamina ralovalovoro
General information
Universe Big bang
Classification Ventamina ralovalovoro
Environment Underwater rocks
Intelligence Non-sapient
Biochemistry Carbon based lifeform
Biological information
Reproduction Binary reproduction
Skin color White
Lineage information
Cultural information
Personality Solitary
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Alternative earth
Domain Rankaryote
Kingdom Palin
Infrakingdom Minerala
Phylum Ematageti
Subphylum Lopletada
Class Hetaclera
Subclass Rockexcras
Order Bubextada
Family Curremovei
Genus Ventamina
Species Ralovalovoro
Subspecies None
Other information
Status Least concern
First sighting 19th march 2022
Last sighting Now
Possible population Unknown

Ventamina ralovalovoro is a species related to the Ventamina decraelofiv. It is oval in shape. This shape makes it thin but long. The water currents is more likely to go around the thinner side making it less likely to get flipped but the water currents are more likely to push it from the longer side making it likely to roll. It's also larger than other ventamina species. This means it has a larger surface area and takes more time to cool down. So it less likely for damage from cold temperatures.


These animals are mineral eating animals. Because of the fact that there is barely any oxygen in the air of the planet, anaerobic respiration in used instead. Some of the energy comes from the heat in the air. Others come from the minerals. This is why larger size is favoured. When mineral are broken down by trolpovestya. Energy is released.
