All Species Wiki
Ventamina golipozera
General information
Universe Big bang
Aliases True neutral
Classification Ventamina golipozera
Homeworld Alternative earth
Environment On Rocks with minerals
Intelligence Literally has no brain
Biochemistry Carbon based lifeform
Biological information
Lifespan 12mins
Average height 1/27th of a normal bacteria
Average weight Unknown
Average length 1/21st of normal bacteria
Average width 1/21st of normal bacteria
Locomotion Ocean currents
Feeding behavior Mineral feeding
Distinctive features White body, flatter top and bottom
Eye color Has no eyes
Skin color White
Lineage information
Related species Ventamina decraelofiv
Cultural information
Alignment Neutral
Personality No relationship
Language(s) Cannot communicate
Affiliation(s) None
Leaders Solitary
Sociocultral characteristics
Members Every Ventamina golipozera
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Alternative earth
Domain Rankaryote
Kingdom Palin
Infrakingdom Minarela
Phylum Emtageti
Subphylum Lopletada
Class Hetaclera
Subclass Rockexcras
Order Bubextada
Family Curremovei
Genus Ventamina
Species Golipozera
Subspecies None
Other information
Status Least concern
Possible population Unknown

Ventamina golipozera is a close relative of the Ventamina decraelofiv. It has a thicker and flatter top and bottom skin. It retains the usual properties of the Ventamina decraelofiv. It is a newly evolved rankaryote that sucks minerals through the bottom skin. The thicker top and bottom skin has a tiny circular areas which Is thinner than the normal area. They are not visible from the outside but clearly visible from the inside. This is where food can pass through. Due to the fact that these species often goes upside-down, food holes are needed on both sides. Each side has hundreds of food holes. These holes are 1/300th of this species in size.


this like all other related species eats minerals from the rocks. The minerals are absorbed and broken into elements by the cell edenion which is term for cell membrane of rankaryotes. the elements are attached for growth and Reproductionby a chemical called trolpovestya. The remaining chemicals 3lemends are also released by the cell edenion. It's is small which means I doesn't need much minerals for Reproduction which happens every 12mins


ventamina golipozera looks like a cushion. It's hight is lower but the length and width is higher. It is very maliable and is elastic like a rubber ball. It is completely white and it volume is about 1/25 of a bacteria. This means 15309 of ventamina golipozeras can fit inside it
