All Species Wiki
Ventamina decraelofiv
General information
Universe Big bang
Aliases It's all alone
Classification Ventamira decraelofiv
Species type Monocell
Homeworld Alternative earth
Environment Rocks with minerals underwater
Intelligence It literally has no brain
Biochemistry Monocell
Discoverer Me
Biological information
Lifespan 12min
Reproduction 1/24 of circular bacteria
Average height 1/24 of circular bacteria
Average weight 120% density of water
Average length 1/24th of circular bacteria
Average width 1/24 of circular bacteria
Locomotion Flows with the water current
Feeding behavior Chemicals in rocks
Distinctive features Exact sphere

total white moves using water currents

Eye color No eyes
Skin color White
Lineage information
Related species Ventamina golipozera
Cultural information
Alignment True neutral
Personality It doesn't know about anything. It is SenseOrganLess. It just eats and multiplies
Language(s) Does'nt communicate
Affiliation(s) True neutral
Capital city Doesn't have a sense of location
Leaders Not a social animal
Sociocultral characteristics
Members All Ventamina decraelofives
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Alternative earth
Domain Rankaryote
Kingdom Palin
Subkingdom Ovealita
Infrakingdom Minarela
Superphylum Gugagoga
Phylum Emtageti
Subphylum Iopletada
Class Hetaclera
Subclass Rockexcras
Order Bubextada
Family Curremovei
Genus Ventamina
Species Decraelofiv
Subspecies Ventamina decraelofiv genspiggurt
Infraspecies None
Other information
Status Spreading
Creator Alternative earth
First sighting Not discovered
Last sighting Not seen
Possible population Unknown

ventamina decraelofiv is a fictional organism found in the alternative earth. It is an aquatic Palin that absorbs energy from rocks. The chemicals energy found in the rocks are converted to for the cell to work. It is found in areas in the southwest of Indonesia directly south of malasia. It is the very first organism of the planet. It is in sphere shape. It is 24 times smaller than modern bacteria. It contains one cell with rna curled inside it. It is very rubbery and can be squeezed wo that it's hight is 1/6 times it's normal height and then become normal like a rubber ball.


This is the first Species belonging ot the Rankaryote Domain for now. This species marks the fifth domain and the least Biodiverse domain. This domain in related to the obligate intracellular parasite domain though not as much as how much eukaryokes archeria and bacteria is related.It is least related to electonica domain. This Rankaryote was created by chemical reactions so it is not powered by evolution. It contain 1 is the part of the emategati phylum. This subspecies is little larger than the normal type.


It just uses heat energy in the rocks. It just needs to be in the correct temperature to survive. It lives near Indonesia where it is tropical. The extra heat in its planet helps it survive too. It also takes in minerals which is used by the RNA to duplicate itself. After it gets duplicated, the two Rna go away from each other and the cell splits into two cells and they reproduce. This happens once In 12mins. For the genspiggurt it takes 3-6 more seconds to reproduce and the cells grow a little faster.
