All Species Wiki
General information
Biological information
Lineage information
Cultural information
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Infrafamily The last category before "Tribes"
Tribe If created by the user, ought to end in the following suffix:
Animal: "ini"
Plant: "eae"
Bacteria: "eae"
Subtribe If created by the user, ought to end in the following suffix:
Animal: "ina"
Plant: "inae"
Bacteria: "inae"
Supergenus The first category after "Subtribes"
Other information

As per request I have updated the species template to include tribes but also subtribes. If categorizing fictional species and you feel they fit into their own tribes and don't know how to proceed with naming them, a good bet for the best results is to use Ancient Greek and Latin word roots! This is what actual biologists tend to do. -- Somarinoa (talk) 15:31, October 2, 2020 (UTC)
