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Ugandan Knuckles
Ugandan knuck (1)
General information
Aliases Ugandan Army
Knuckles cult
Classification Tachyglossus ugandiensis
Species type Echidna
Homeworld Quad dale island
Environment African plains
Intelligence Semi-Sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based
Discovered Feb 20, 2017
Discoverer Gregzilla
Biological information
Reproduction Oviparous
Locomotion Bipedal
Lineage information
Ancestor(s) Mobian Echidna (possibly)
Descendant(s) The Forbiddon Ancestry
Related species Wakandan Knuckles
Cultural information
Organization Tribes
Leaders Commander Gaztons, Kommander Stamps (formerly), Da Queen
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Mammalia
Order Monotremata
Suborder Tachyglossa
Family Tachyglossidae
Genus Tachyglossus
Subgenus Knuckles
Species T. ugandiensis
Race Red Knuckles
Blue Knuckles
Yellow Knuckles
Purple Knuckles
Other information
Status Least Concern
Creator Gregzilla
First sighting Feb 20, 2017
Possible population 300’000’00’000

The Ugandan Knuckles are a tribal species of echidna native to Uganda Africa.


They resemble miniature versions of the Sonic character Knuckles the Echidna, hence their name. They are considered Semi-Sapient, as while they perfectly capable of speaking and understanding English, they seem just as likely to act on instinct and can only speak a few words at a time.

They are loyal to a Ugandan knuckles usually in the shape of a female that they call "THA QUEEN" they will follow any command given by the queen and will protect her at all cost.

The species is capable of building machinery and wielding weapons. They are so diverse in action, size, shape, and color that you can almost tell them apart.

In one such case, a Ugandan knuckles was seen wielding a gun and talking fluent English asking the question "do you kno da wae?" And shot those who said no.


The species seems to bring up something that they call "daddy
