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Trollicanuiupitchus troll is humanoid species of extinct species of scandinavia regions of norway sweden denmark iceland. Trollicanuiupitchus troll is enemy of Megaprimatus kong. trollicanuiupitchus troll is destroy all the kongs.

Trollicanuiupitchus troll
General information
Universe Troll
Aliases The mountain king
Classification Trollicanuiupithcus
Giant troll
Species type mossy troll
Homeworld Earth
Environment * mountains
  • forests
Intelligence Super Intelligent because of brain size. 100,000 IQ
Biochemistry Carbon-based
Discovered 2018
Discoverer unknown
Biological information
Lifespan can live forever
Average height 335 feet
Average weight 335,00,000 pounds
Average length 335
Locomotion giant humanoid walker
Feeding behavior Omnivorous
Prey * humans
  • animals
Predators * godzilla (presmued)
  • king kong (presmued)
  • titans (presmued)
  • other trolls (presmued)
Lineage information
Ancestor(s) troll
Related species Gorilla, Human, Chimpanzee, Orangutan, troll
Cultural information
Capital city * Norway
  • Sweden
  • iceland
  • denmark
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Earth
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Mammalia
Order Primates
Suborder Haplorhini
Family Hominidae
Tribe Trollini
Genus Trollicanuiupitchus
Species T. Troll
Other information
Status Extinct (burned into a stone crashed into floor in sunrise)


Trollicanuiupitchus trolls have extinction due fighting all titans kong's species bells and the lights
