All Species Wiki
General information
Universe Super Mario
Legend of Zelda
Aliases Togezo
Spiny Beetle
Classification Koopa ericius
Homeworld Mushroom Kingdom
Dream Land
Intelligence Non-Sapient
Biological information
Locomotion Quadrupedal
Lineage information
Cultural information
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Earth
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Superclass Tetrapoda
Class Reptilia
Order Testudines
Suborder Cryptodira
Family Testudinidae
Subfamily Koopinae
Tribe Koopini
Genus Koopa
Species K. ericius
Other information
Status Least Concern

The spiny is a fictional quadrupedal tortoise that originated from the Super Mario universe.


They have red shells with spikes, like a porcupine. They also seem to have a symbiotic relationship with Lakitus, as they aid in deploying their eggs. Which for some reason also have also have spines, possibly to protect them from predators.
