All Species Wiki
General information
Universe Mythology
Classification Rapidusdemonicus dorsonae
Species type Demon
Homeworld Earth
Intelligence Non-sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based
Biological information
Reproduction Sexual; gives live birth (presumed)
Locomotion Pentapedal
Feeding behavior Unknown
Distinctive features Round body and five legs
Eye color Unknown
Lineage information
Cultural information
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Earth
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Subkingdom Faunaspirtia
Phylum Maiora
Class Daemonia
Order Daemonica
Family Pentaskelidaemonidae (Pentaskelion-shaped demons)
Genus Rapidusdemonicus
Species R. dorsonae
Other information
Status Data Deficient
Creator Lumberjacks

The Speedemon (Rapidusdemonicus dorsonae) is a lesser-known demon originating from North American mythology.


It has a round body and five strong legs that help it roll around.


Speedemons like to chase around small animals like rabbits, although they do not kill or eat them. These demons are usually spotted in the evening.
