The Slender Man, also called Slenderman (Pseudohomo ortheido) is a fictional supernatural mysterious entity, resembling an unnaturally tall man in a suit, with impossibly long arms and a featureless face. Tendrils have also been known to emerge from his back, and his exact evolutionary lineage is unknown and in fact its visual appearance may be little more than a hallucination or attempt at visual mimicry. Two separate Slender entities are known to exist: The first, known simply as The Slender Man and the second, known as The Operator.
Interestingly, they share numerous traits with the various subtypes of Wendigos although whether this is an indication of them being related to them or if it is simply convergent evolution of some kind is unknown. The Endermen also share similarities, but again, could be convergent evolution.
Pseudohomo ortheido: An ochroteid taxonomy
Among the iconic Slender Man, this species is considered as Pseudohomo ortheido, or its synonym, Pseudohomo slenderus - known as the Ochroteids, or Slenderperson or Slenderbeings. Representing a fictional genus, this primate is known as a Pseudoprimate, meaning false apes.
The most striking feature of P. ortheido is it doesnt have a face or eyes. Like other primates, the Slenderbeings were bipedal walkers and very similar to the Enderman species (Ender sapiens/Pseudohomo ortheido enderus). Aside from its faceless like look, Slendermen are possibly carnivorous, however it is a Creature with an unknown diet.
It is very intelligent and stands 8 feet tall and it weighs 386 lbs, Its status is Data Deficent. A data deficent creature is a creature's status as unknown, such as the legendary Bigfoot, or the SCP-096, another Pseudohominid/false humanoid species.
Similarities and differences to endermen[]
Enderman | Slender Man |
Both are abnormally tall. | |
Both have the ability to teleport. | |
Both generally act as passive observers and will not attack others unless they are provoked. | |
Endermen originate from a different plane of existence. | Slender Man does not have a commonly accepted place of origin. |
Endermen are a collection of creatures that share the same appearance, abilities, behavior, and name. | Slender Man appears to be a singular entity who is the only a member of a species, Pseudohomo ortheido. |
Endermen have eyes. | Slender Man lacks any facial features. |
Endermen have been known to run in order to keep up with targets. | Slender Man is completely reliant on teleporting or his tentacles in order to move. |