All Species Wiki
Sitting Creeper
Crepere sedens
General information
Universe Minecraft
Classification Crepere sedens
Species type Peat Moss
Homeworld Overworld
Environment Cosmopolitan
Intelligence Sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based biology
Discovered November 2022
Discoverer Dalle-E Mini
Biological information
Average height Human-height
Average width Human-width
Locomotion Quadrupedal and bipedal capabilities
Prey Humans, Wolves
Predators Ocelots, Cats, Humans
Distinctive features Human-like body
Eye color Green
Skin color Green
Lineage information
Ancestor(s) Creeper
Related species Other Peat Moss
Cultural information
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Personality Aggressive-passive
Organization Solitary
Language(s) ladies and gentlemen we got'em
Affiliation(s) Independent
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Overworld
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Bryophyta
Class Sphagnopsida
Subclass Sphagnidae
Order Sphagnales
Family Sphagnaceae
Genus Crepere
Species C. sedens
Other information
Status Least Concern
Creator Dall-E via AI art program

Crepere sedens, also known as the Sitting Creeper, is a very similar species of Creeper to the creeper we have in Minecraft but this creeper has arms and legs like a human which allow the species to sit.
