All Species Wiki
General information
Universe Yo-kai Watch
Classification Yokaihomo electrophagus
Intelligence Sapient
Biological information
Locomotion Bipedal
Feeding behavior Electrovorous
Lineage information
Descendant(s) Signiton
Cultural information
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Yo-kai World
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Yokai
Subphylum Yokaieukarya
Class Yokaianimalia
Order Yokaichordata
Suborder Yokaivertebrata
Family Yokaimammalidae
Subfamily Yokaiprimatinae
Genus Yokaihomo
Species Y. electrophagus
Other information

Signibble (Yokaihomo electrophagus) is a type of yokai that likes to eat electrical waves in the air. They evolve into Signiton when fused with a GHz orb.


They are orange humanoids with fangs and yellow and black hair, with a kimono matching those colors. They appear to be an all male species, and eat electric waves.
