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The sandbox tree is a deadly tree in the Euphorbiaceae family. The seed pods are 1-3 inches long, and will explode to fire their seeds 40 meters away. the reason why they're flung 40 meters away is the tree doesn't want to compete with other sandbox trees. the seeds are large at an average size of 2 cm in radius, and packed with fuel for competing in a dense forest. this means the trees would start competing for resources with each other, and the parent plant. the tree also has large spikes, which are the trees male flowers. Another reason why sandbox trees are so deadly, is because of the toxic oozing sap, which can cause painful rashes and welts. if the trees sap gets into any ones eyes, it can cause temporary blindness. The native tribes in the region were this tree grows used the sap to make poison darts. on top of that, the fruit is inedible and poisonous. eating the fruit can cause severe cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, heart problems, delirium, or even death. but, this tree has its benefits, the leaves can used to treat eczema, oil from its seeds are used as purgatives, and other extracts help manage rheumatism and intestinal worms.
