All Species Wiki
Робот пылесос Roomba 780
General information
Universe Real Life
Species type Rogue appliance
Homeworld Earth
Biochemistry Mechanical
Biological information
Lifespan Minimum of 150 years.
Reproduction Manufactured
Prey Various debris
Skin color Various cute colors
Lineage information
Cultural information
Organization iRobot
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Earth
Kingdom Machinia
Class Appliancia
Order Vacuuma
Family Vacuumidae
Genus Roomba
Species R. roomba
Other information
Status Least concern

Roombas aren't going away if the rise and fall of an interplanetary empire happened while they're still going strong. This species of household appliance was redesigned to capture and kill verminous creatures, which aren't rare in ecumenopolitan ruins. Wild roombas are actually a bit of a pest themselves since they breed on their own and potentially steal knick-knacks from settlements. They are otherwise harmless on their own, and basically free grade-s nanotechne because of this.
