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Robot Masters are a species of mechanical humanoid creatures from Mega Man.

Robot Master
Robot Masters
Examples from clockwise center, Mega Man, Bomb Man, Cut Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Elec Man and Fire Man
General information
Universe Mega Man
Aliases Robot
Classification Mechahomo capcomicus
Species type Robot
Homeworld Earth
Environment Any
Intelligence Sapient
Biochemistry Metal-based lifeform
Discovered 1987
Biological information
Reproduction Built
Average height Variable
Average weight Variable
Locomotion Bipedal
Feeding behavior Omnivorous
Distinctive features Cartoon-like appearance
Lineage information
Cultural information
Alignment Varies by individual
Language(s) Various
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Earth
Domain Machina
Kingdom Mechanimalia
Subkingdom Mechaeumetazoa
Infrakingdom Mechabilateria
Superphylum Mechadeuterostomia
Phylum Mechachordata
Subphylum Mechavertebrata
Infraphylum Mechagnathostomata
Superclass Mechatetrapoda
Class Mechamammalia
Subclass Mechatheria
Infraclass Mechaholoteria
Superorder Mecharchonta
Order Mechaprimates
Suborder Mechahaplorhini
Infraorder Mechasimiiformes
Superfamily Mechahominoidea
Family Mechahominidae
Subfamily Mechahomininae
Genus Mechahomo
Species M. capcomicus
Other information
Status Least concern
Creator Keiji Inafune (real world)
Dr. Thomas Light (in universe)
Dr. Albert W. Wily (in universe)
First sighting 1987
Last sighting Current