All Species Wiki
Red Cap
Red Cap (The Gunk) 1
General information
Universe The Gunk
Homeworld "Gunk Planet"
Environment Cosmopolitan
Intelligence Non-sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based lifeform
Discoverer Rani + Michaela J. Becks
Biological information
Locomotion Sessile
Skin color Red
Lineage information
Related species Mycelium coil
Cultural information
Alignment True Neutral
Personality Mindless
Organization Solitary
Sociocultral characteristics
Members N/A
Scientific taxonomy
Planet "Gunk Planet"
Domain Eukaryota (Complex lifeforms)
Kingdom Fungi (Fungus; Molds, mushrooms, yeasts, etc)
Other information
Creator Thunderful Development

"Flat, circular mushrooms with reddish hues. Caps grow out of a central stem, so age can be determined from the circular markings. Airborne spores. Not edible."
— Encyclopedia entry, The Gunk

Red Caps are a species of fungus, seen as background yet scannable specimens in the 2021 game, The Gunk. They serve no other practical use.

Red Cap (The Gunk) 2


Red cap forms from a central stalk and normally in clusters, with its cap then forming from the top of this stalk in a manner similar to a tree trunk, but squashed laterally and only extending outward. The stalk is thin and likely hardened with chitin to hold the cap.

It is mostly composed of glucans, chitin, and glycoproteins. Like other floral organisms on their home planet, if the encounter Gunk then they with and enter a dormant state until the infection in the area is systematically removed.

In-game usage[]

Red Cap (The Gunk) 3

Red Caps desaturated by local Gunk infestation.

Red caps are able to be scanned by Rani to unlock more upgrades in the game. They are not harvestable and serve no other use other than environment.


  1. The Gunk (2021) (First appearance)