All Species Wiki
General information
Universe Pokémon
Aliases Pichu (infant stage)
Pikachu (intermediate stage)
Classification Astrapomys fulminatus
Species type Rodent
Homeworld Pokémon world
Intelligence Non-Sapient
Biological information
Reproduction Oviparous
Locomotion Facultative biped
Distinctive features Orange fur, lighting bolt on tail, yellow cheeks
Lineage information
Subspecies Alolan Raichu
Cultural information
Alignment Neutral Good
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Pokémon world
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Mammalia
Order Rodentia
Family Astrapomidae
Subfamily Astrapominae
Genus Astrapomys (Greek for "Lightning mouse")
Species A. fulminatus
Other information
Status Least Concern

Raichu is a species of rodent from the Pokémon world.


It is an electric-type Pokémon with curly ears, a long tail, and orange fur.


Like all Pokémon, Raichu lay eggs, despite being rodents. They also belong to the fairy and field egg groups, meaning they can only mate with other Pokémon within those groups, if not their own species.

Life Cycle[]

Pichu, Raichu's first stage of life.

When a Raichu first hatches, it is known as "Pichu". This vulnerable youngster is not sexually mature, making it a "Baby Pokémon", and is much more yellow than its later stages. The tail is much shorter too.

Pikachu, Raichu's second stage.

When leveled up with high Friendship, the young Pichu matures into "Pikachu". Pikachu is much larger than Pichu and lacks the black neck markings. Male Pikachu's tails are perfectly lightning bolt-shaped, while the females have a heart-like indentation on the end of theirs. Many individuals of this species remain Pikachu indefinitely due to lack of or refusal to use a Thunder Stone, which is what triggers metamorphosis into Raichu.
