All Species Wiki
General information
Universe Pokémon
Aliases Sandygast
Sunabaa (スナバァ)
Sand Mound Pokémon
Shirodesuna (シロデスナ)
Sand Castle Pokémon
Classification Palossand shirodesuna
Species type Silicoid
Homeworld Pokémon World
Intelligence Non-sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based lifeform
Discovered August 1st, 2016 (Stufful)
Biological information
Reproduction Budding
Average height Juvenile: 0.5m
Adult: 1.3m
Average weight Juvenile: 70kg
Adult: 250kg
Locomotion Unspecified
Skin color Tan
Lineage information
Cultural information
Alignment Wild: Neutral
Domesticated: Follows trainer
Personality Neutral
Organization Solitary
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Pokémon World
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Sillicoda
Class Sillicodia
Order Sillicoida
Family Sillicodae
Genus Palossand (Somarinoa, 2016)
Species P. shirodesuna (Somarinoa, 2016)
Other information
First sighting August 1st, 2016

Palossands are a species of silicoids, indigenous to the Alola Region of the Pokémon World. They are considered to be Ghost/Ground Types. In essence, they are a lump of sand possessed by the grudges of creatures fallen in battle upon a beach.

They utilize an ability called Water Compaction, which boosts their overall defensive capability by 2 when they are hit by water, making them very viable against Water Type Pokémon.




A Sandygast.

Sandygasts are born wherever a Pokémon or another creature holds a grudge; after they fall in battle, the grudge energy soaks into the sand and creates a Sandygast. Through unknown means, Sandygast grow a physical shovel out of their head; should a Human touch it they will fall under this Pokémon’s control. It uses this power to manipulate children to gather sand around it to increase its mass so that it may one day transform into a matured individual.

The shovel of a Sandygast can be lost, and it will simply replace it with a tree branch, flag, or another item to take its place while it searches for its shovel. They are soul reavers, using their tunnel-like mouth to suck the vitality from both people and other Pokémon.

It is considered a test of courage in the Alola Region to put one's hand into a Sandygast's mouth.


Once a Sandygast gets large enough, it will begin to take control over adult Humans as opposed to children and become known as a Palossand. These adults will be mentally manipulated into structuring the Palossand's body into a castle shape. This will give it camouflage against potential threats and also raise its overall defensive capability.

Because it has grown arms, if Palossand loses some of the sand from its body, it can restore itself on its own, unlike a Sandygast. In this form, the shovel now acts as a radar dish, revolving around their head to detect prey.

Palossand are considered to be dangerous creatures, as they leech the vitality of other Pokémon as a form of sustenance. Their larger size allows them to drag smaller Pokémon into their body to more successfully through the utilization of a sandy vortex to swallow them up in a heartbeat before stealing their life force from them. Pokémon dragged into Palossand leave traces of their ill will behind, known as their grudges. It’s thought that this negative energy may be the starting point of new Sandygast.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Both of these Pokémon were revealed in the September 2016 issue of CoroCoro.