All Species Wiki
Ocean Howler
Ocean howler
General information
Classification Crocuta mare
Biological information
Lineage information
Cultural information
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Class Mammallia
Order Carnivora
Suborder Feliformia
Family Hyaenidae
Genus Crocuta
Species C. mare
Other information

Ocean howlers are direct descendants of the spotted hyena. Habitat ranges from the lower Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean. Bite force now reaches to 1,600 psi, enough to break the bones of a vortex.


Males evolved to produce even less testosterone and more progesterone, but just enough to make them stay male. Males reproductive organs have become inverted into a “pseudo-vagina” were the females pseudo-penis is inserted into and latches onto a cervix like structure that releases sperm. Mating season ranges from mid June to early August. Females pursue male. Both the male and female raise pups together.
