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20200605 121448-1
General information
Universe Parkermon (Universe-P.36-F)
Aliases Flaming chicken Parkermon
Benedictorch (egg form)
Pyrooster (adult form, male)
Henferno (adult form, female)
Classification Monstragallus combustium (User: Parker Green 2022)
Species type Fire type monster
Intelligence Sapient
Biological information
Locomotion Bipedal
Feeding behavior Granivorous (though will also eat coal)
Distinctive features Chick-like appearance, carries a giant match, red eggshell
Lineage information
Cultural information
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Aves
Order Galliformes
Family Phanianidae
Subfamily Phanianinae
Genus Monstragallus
Species M. combustium
Other information
Status Least Concern (population stable)
Creator User: Parker Green

The Matchick is a monster species created by User:Parker Green. It bears a strong resemblance to an anthropomorphic chick.



Unlike most monster eggs, the benedictorch already has a face when laid, as well as its own intelligence, and is thus considered its own monster (though it's sometimes inanimate during its first week). Some egg category monsters are reported to have their own feet, but this isn't one of those. It evolves into matchick at level 30.


The evolved form of benedictorch, matchicks are roughly the size of a human child, and can do so much now that they have limbs. They use their eggshells as armor and carry around a giant match. They're distinguished by the flame markings on their bellies. Upon reaching level 40, they evolve into one of two forms, pyrooster if male, henferno if female.


This creature is the final evolved form of a male Benedictorch. The pyrooster has a rare blue version as well, though the chances of matchick evolving into one of those are 1 in a million. This rooster monster doesn't mess around, they will mess their opponents up, and serve them extra crispy, and with your choice of dipping sauce!


This cute looking monster is no stranger to predators, and thus uses her fire attacks to defend her babies. Henfernos are often found in monster farms, though they can be found in the wild, specifically jungles, and a lot of people have interesting stories involving this Parkermon.

