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Mapinguari statue, Parque Ambiental Chico Mendes, Rio Branco, Brazil
General information
Aliases Juma
Classification Cyclopoithecus mapinguari
Intelligence Sapient
Biological information
Lineage information
Related species Bigfoot (speculated)
Cultural information
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Primates
Family Hominidae
Genus Cyclopopithecus
Species C. mapinguari
Other information

The Mapinguari is an alleged species of hominid, believed to be a jungle spirit, recorded in Brazilian folklore.


This creature is often described as a humanoid being with a single eye and, in some cases, a mouth on its abdomen. Another oddity of this beast is its backwards facing feet, which confuse trackers when following its footprints.


  • Prior to 1933, it was described as a former human shaman that was transformed into this beast.