All Species Wiki
General information
Universe Aaahh!!! Real Monsters
Classification Monstrum terror loomerus
Species type Monster
Homeworld Earth
Intelligence Sapient
Biochemistry Fear-based
Biological information
Lifespan 1000 years
Reproduction Oviparous
Locomotion Bipedal
Feeding behavior Omnivorous
Prey Garbage
Distinctive features Long ears, curly feet
Eye color Yellow
Lineage information
Subspecies M. t. loomerus
Cultural information
Alignment Chaotic Good
Neutral Good
Personality Very scary
Sociocultral characteristics
Members Ickis, Slickis, Grickis
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Earth
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Subkingdom Faunaspirtia
Phylum Monstra
Class Monstronia
Order Monstruma
Family Monstridae (Monsters)
Genus Monstrum
Species M. terror
Subspecies M. t. loomerus
Other information
Status Least Concern
Creator Gabor Csupo
Peter Gaffney
Possible population Millions

Loomers are a subspecies of monster, which Ickis is.


These monsters come have long ears, have purple fur, and curly feet, and are known to loom.
