The lati (Lateornis aero, name meaning "sky bird to hide") is a species of Caprimulgiforme bird, most closely related to the potoos (Nyctibiidae), that originally did not exist, but has since been created by SciiFii due to demand for real life versions of Pokémon. The latis, however, are now found throughout Eurasia and North America, possibly due to deliberate or accidental releases, and have established breeding populations across the northern hemisphere. The name for this bird literally means "to hide, to be hidden", based on the fact that the lati is a shy animal and prefers to live in thick trees to hide from predators, but will fly when necessary. It is a large bird with predominantly blue plumage (in males) or red plumage (in females), even the webbed legs have a blue (male)/red (female) color, while the claws are pinkish, the plumage above the legs, the neck, the forehead, the sides of the head and the sides of the chest have a white plumage, it also has a red (in males)/blue (in females) triangle markings on the belly, the beak is very small and also blue (in males) or red (in females). The eyes, on the other hand, are red (in males)/yellow (in females) and on the head has two white tufts of ear-like feathers. The males, known as latios, are larger than the females, known as latias, growing to be about 2 meters (6.5 feet) and weighing around 60 kilograms (132 lbs) on average compared to the female's length of 1.4 meters (4.5 feet) and weight of 40 kilograms (88 lbs). The lati's flight skills are so advanced that people often even think that it actually levites via telekinesis and can reach almost the speed of a jet. Its intelligence is such that it can understand human language perfectly and its psychic abilities are such that he can perceive people's emotions, it seems that it can even make others perceive what it sees and create illusions by clouding people's minds. The lati is omnivorous, and can feed on small mammals, fish, insects, and fruits. The lati is a skilled swimmer with waterproof feathers, being able to paddle through the water with its webbed feet, similarly to waterfowls, and is able to dive underwater to catch fish like a gannet. The latis are primarily solitary birds that, with the exception of a living together as siblings (even through adulthood), are solitary animals apart from the breeding seasons in early to mid spring. Around 2-3 months later, the female lays between 3-4 eggs at a time, which hatch within a month and a half later, and the young are cared for by their mothers until they're subadults about 3 months later. The conservation status of the lati is Least Concern due to successful conservation efforts, the lati's wide range, and its tolerance to many of the human activities.