All Species Wiki
General information
Homeworld Omess
Environment Desert
Intelligence Non-sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based lifeform with silicon-based attributes
Biological information
Locomotion Six legs
Feeding behavior Herbivore
Prey Scrub brush, cactus-equivalents
Predators Urhoses, Krakkus
Lineage information
Cultural information
Alignment Neutral
Personality Non-sapient forager
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Omess
Genus Julto
Other information
Status Least Concern
Creator Somarinoa

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Jultos are a species of herbivores indigenous to the desert planet Omess. They feed on the local flora and are a common meal for the dangerous Krakkus, especially when they cannot find sapients to prey upon. They are distantly related to the great Krakkuses.
