All Species Wiki
General information
Aliases Domestic horse
Classification Equus ferus caballus
Intelligence Very intelligent, IQ of 85
Biological information
Lifespan 25-30 years
Reproduction Sexual; viviparous
Locomotion Quadrupedal
Feeding behavior Herbivorous
Eye color Brown
Lineage information
Ancestor(s) Wild Horse
Descendant(s) Mule
Related species Donkey
African Wild Ass
Cultural information
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Earth
Kingdom Animalia
Class Mammalia
Order Perissodactyla
Suborder Hippomorpha
Family Equidae
Genus Equus
Species E. ferus
Subspecies E. f. caballus
Other information
Status Domesticated
Least Concern

Horses are domesticated Earth creatures that are often ridden. Horses are very historic and one of the most popular animals in the world (also one of the most famous). Horses have been very important in people’s life because of their beautiful colours. Horses are the next biggest farm animals after cows. While related to Donkeys, horses have a chomping bite force up to 500 PSI.
