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The horned ghost crab (Ocypode ceratophtalmus), also known as the horn-eyed ghost crab is a ghost crab found in the Indo-Pacfic region (excluding the Red Sea), from the East African coast to the islands of the Philippines and from Japan to the Great Barrier Reef.


As their name suggests, horned ghost crabs possess eyestalks that extend beyond the eyes into long points, which are longer in adults, and shorter (or absent) in juveniles. These crabs have a box-shaped body that measures 6-8 cm (2.4-3.1 in) across the carapace, with darker markings towards the rear in an H shape. The outer edges of the eye-sheaths are sharp, broadly triangular, and distinctly point sideways in larger individuals. Horned ghost crabs can reach speeds of up to 2.1 m/s (6.9 ft/s, 4.7 mph, or 7.56 km/h).
