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The Herrerasaurus' were one of the many cloned dinosaurs from Jurassic Park.

File:Herrerasaurus (10).png
General information
Universe Jurassic Park: The Game
Biological information
Average weight 350 kg (770 lb)
Average length 6 metres (20 ft)
Locomotion Bipedal
Feeding behavior Carnivore
Eye color Yellow Eyes
Lineage information
Cultural information
Alignment Netural
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Order Saurischia
Family Herrerasauridae
Genus Herrerasaurus Reig, 1963
Species H. ischigualastensis
Other information
Status Extinct


Originally as theropods from the Triassic era, the dinosaurs were created by InGen during their younger days in Site B before being transported to Isla Nublar. According to Laura Sorkin, they were suppose to be less dangerous than the velociraptors and were also less intelligent.

The clones had pronated hands, bright red bodies with dark red stripes, white underbellies with some yellow patches.

According to the Dinosaur Protection Group, they returned to extinction in 2018.
