All Species Wiki
General information
Universe Various
Classification Diabolicanis infernum
Species type Dog
Homeworld Hell
Environment Hell
Intelligence Non-sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based
Biological information
Reproduction Sexual; gives live birth (presumed)
Average height Likely similar to normal dogs
Average weight Similar to normal dogs
Average length Likely similar to normal dogs
Locomotion Quadrupedal
Feeding behavior Carnivorous
Distinctive features Black fur, glowing red or burning eyes
Eye color Red or orange
Lineage information
Cultural information
Personality Aggressive and vicious
Affiliation(s) Hell
Leaders Hades
Sociocultral characteristics
Members Cerberus (Greek Mythology)
Orthrus (Greek Mythology)
Garmr (Norse Mythology)
Black Shuck/SCP-023 (English Mythology/SCP Mythos)
Loona (Helluva Boss)
Mr. Pickles (namesake series)
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Hell
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Subkingdom Faunaspirtia
Phylum Maiora
Class Daemonia
Order Daemomammalia
Family Diabolicanidae (Canid demons)
Genus Diabolicanis
Species D. infernum
Other information
Status Data deficient
Creator Hades (presumably)

Hellhounds (Diabolicanis infernum) are a species of dog-like demons originating from European Mythology.


Most of the time they are depicted as black dogs with either glowing red eyes or burning fiery eyes, although many other illustrations of these demons exist.


Hellhounds are usually depicted as being vicious and aggressive, similar to dog breeds like pitbulls, rottweilers, German shepherds, etc:

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