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General information
Universe Mythology
SCP Foundation
Aliases Starving skeleton
Classification Yokaigigantohomo sceletus androphagus
Species type Giant humanoid yokai
Homeworld Earth
Environment Any; usually found near mass-graves or battlegrounds
Intelligence Non-sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based
Discovered 10th century
Biological information
Reproduction Likely cannot give birth
Average height ♂: 25.65 m (84'1.84") (15 times bigger than the average human)
♀: 23.85 m (78'2.98") (15 times bigger than the average human)
Average weight ♂: 42.19 t (46.51 US tons) (15 times bigger than the average human)
♀: 35.78 t (39.44 US tons) (15 times bigger than the average human)
Locomotion Bipedal
Feeding behavior Carnivorous
Prey Humans
Distinctive features Giant size
Eye color No eyes
Skin color No skin
Lineage information
Subspecies Y. s. androphagus
Cultural information
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Earth
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Subkingdom Faunaspirtia
Phylum Yokai
Subphylum Yokaieukarya (Eukaryotic yokai)
Class Yokaianimalia (Animaloid yokai)
Order Yokaichordata (Chordate-like yokai)
Suborder Yokaivertebrata (Vertebrate-like yokai)
Infraorder Yokaignathostomata (Gnathostome-like yokai)
Superfamily Yokaitetrapodoidea (Tetrapod-like yokai)
Family Yokaimammalidae (Mammalian yokai)
Subfamily Yokaiprimatinae (Primate-like yokai)
Genus Yokaigigantohomo
Species Y. sceletus
Subspecies Y. s. androphagus
Other information
Status Data Deficient
First sighting 10th century

Gashadokuro (starving skeleton), or SCP-2863, are large skeletal yokai formed from the many corpses of those who have died of starvation, and never given a proper burial. While their spirits become the hunger inducing Hidarugami, their bodies (fueled by the energy of their grudges) become these gigantic man-eating brutes.


Physically they have the appearance of a building sized human skeleton. While superficially appearing as one corpse, they are actually made up of hundreds of corpses. Their size varies depending on the number of bodies that comprise them, but they are generally large enough to hold a human in their hand.


They are carnivores, mostly favoring human beings. Unknown what for, as they obviously lack a digestive system, being gigantic skeletal corpses. As stated above, this is probably simply out of spite.


They are said to have no known weaknesses at all, except for sunlight, as stated in the SCP article, although the credibility is questionable given that this is an interpretation. Supposedly the only way to kill them is to let them use up all their energy.


  • Their scientific name, Yokaigigantohomo sceletus androphagus, means "Man eating yokai gigantic human skeleton".