All Species Wiki
General information
Universe Minecraft
Classification Endermitus gastropodaformus (User: Parker Green)
Homeworld The End
Intelligence Non-Sapient
Biological information
Distinctive features Slug-like appearance, a single eye, ender particles
Skin color Dark purple
Lineage information
Related species Redstone Bug
Minecraftian Silverfish
Cultural information
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet The End
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Subkingdom Eumetazoa
Infrakingdom Bilateria
Superphylum Ecdysozoa
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda
Class Insecta (Insects)
Subclass Apterygota
Order Zygentoma (formerly Thysanura) (Silverfish & their relatives)
Family Lepismatidae
Genus Endermitus
Species E. gastropodaformus
Other information

Endermites (Endermitus gastropodaformus) are a species of insect in the same family as silverfish. They are native to the End, and can spawn when humans use ender pearls. Though there is a rare chance of this happening. For whatever reason, they lack the tails of their Earthly cousins, and appear to only have one eye.

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