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Da'nor Flying Lizard
Da'nor Flying Lizard
General information
Universe Star Wars
Aliases Flying Lizard
Species type European Dragon
Homeworld Da'nor
Environment Single, equatorial forest
Intelligence Semi-sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based lifeform
Biological information
Reproduction Sexual; lays eggs
Average wingspan 1m
Locomotion Air: Powered flight
Land: Quadrupedal crawling
Prey Da'nor Fly (presumed)
Predators Da'nor Bird
Distinctive features Iridescent scales, leathery wings
Skin color Blue with green ventral stripes and red dorsal spots
Lineage information
Related species European Dragons, possibly iguanas
Cultural information
Alignment True neutral
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Da'nor
Other information
Status Extinct (presumed)

"These lizards must have a superior form of intelligence, even if they can't communicate. They must have figured out we want to go back to our own kind."
— Forbee-X

The Da'nor Flying Lizard was a species of semi-sapient squamates indigenous to a single equatorial forest on the planet Da'nor. Like other lizard-equivalents, the flying lizards are ectothermic organisms, needing to warm their bodies up to become active as they cannot regulate their own temperature. They are covered in iridescent, mostly blue scales, though they have green stripes along the stomach and red spots along its back. They also have moderately-sized, dragon-like leathery wings of about a 1m wingspan, sharp claws and teeth.

Behavior and intellect[]

Da'nor Flying Lizard Full

The full form of a Flying Lizard.

Prey animals to a species of predator bird-equivalents on their homeworld, their species developed a strategy of pushing back against their foes with strength in numbers and superior tactics such as a double flanking maneuver and a pincer movement, which likely led directly to their developing semi-sapience.

Although their intellect is likely only on par with chimpanzees, it has been recorded that an individual flying lizard that had accompanied Stuart Zissu as a pet helped its master and his friends return to a nearby city by grasping onto the ropes that had snapped on their hot air balloon.


  • Star Wars Science Adventures: Journey Across Planet X (First appearance)