All Species Wiki
General information
Universe Sagan IV
Classification Cnidusadae ferrum
Species type Swamp Bean
Homeworld Sagan IV
Environment Ittiz River, Ittiz Swamp
Intelligence Non-sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based lifeform
Biological information
Reproduction Binary Fission, Conjugation
Average height 10 cm
Locomotion Sessile
Feeding behavior Consumer, Lithotrophous
Prey Iron
Lineage information
Ancestor(s) Swamp Beans + Ferrumtine
Descendant(s) Clinging Cnidusa
Related species Biln, Enomena, Luminbean, Morphous Swampbean, Swampmeans, Shockshell, Maritime Shockshell, Sea Shockshell
Cultural information
Alignment True Neutral
Personality Mindless
Organization Colonies
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Sagan IV
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Protobia (Microbial life on Sagan IV)
Family Phoenokarpatsidae (Swamp Beans and their relatives)
Genus Phoenokarpats (Swamp Beans)
Other information
Status Extinct
Creator Hydromancer X
First sighting Kingon Period
Last sighting Bloodian Period
Possible population 0

The Cnidusa (Cnidusadae ferrum) were a chimeric species created from the combination of Swamp Beans and Ferrumtine after a period of mutual symbiosis. They outcompeted the Swamp Beans in the Ittiz River and Ittiz Swamp. Emerging during the Kingon Period, they could be found in their home habitats for 53,571,428.7 years; ultimately they were replaced by their descendants, the Clinging Cnidusa, during the global glaciation period during the Bloodian Period.

Background information[]

The cnidusa is a hybrid of swamp beans and ferrumtine. It replaced swamp beans but not ferrumtine. When both species absorbed organic particles some got stuck eating each other and fused into one species. Cnidusa resemble the shape of swamp beans but are twice their size. They are also hollow now and bring in water via the flagellum of the ferrumtine which is in the opening and insides. This brings in organic particles as well as iron from the rusty soil. It can absorb both. This helps it build a stronger structure. Once taken in the water is expelled out of holes along the lower sides.

Due to their large concentration of iron in them they are a prime target for "iron eaters". They also sink to the bottom of the river because of the iron's weight.
