All Species Wiki
General information
Aliases Charmander (infant stage)
Charmeleon (juvenile stage)
Classification Vulcanadracosaurus tolerantia
Species type Fire-type Pokémon
Homeworld Pokémon world
Environment Volcanos and Mountains
Biochemistry Carbon-based
Biological information
Lineage information
Related species Dragonite (possibly)
Cultural information
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Reptilia
Subclass Drakia
Order Draconia
Family Pokemodraconidae
Genus Vulcanadracosaurus
Species V. tolerantia
Other information
Status Least Concern

The Charizard is a fictional bipedal dragon that originated from the Pokémon universe.


It is a Fire/Flying type (although ironically, not a dragon type). It has huge wings with blue membranes, horn-like skull protrusions, and tridactyl hands. Not to mention the bipedal stance, and fire on its tail. Another distinctive feature is the yellow underbelly.

Life Cycle[]

Charmander, the infant stage of Charizard.

Charizard begins life as an adorable little tyke named "Charmander". Charmander lacks the wings and horns its adult form has.

Charmeleon, Charizard's juvenile stage.

Its juvenile stage, known as "Charmeleon", is red orange rather than pure orange.


Charizard has a gender ratio of 87.5% male, 12.5% female, and is in the Monster and Dragon egg groups. Meaning it can only breed with other members of its species or other Pokémon within the same egg groups.


  • Charizard's physical anatomy is similar to Dragonite, possibly implying they have a common ancestor. However, this is unspecified.