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Polyopsids are a group of multi-eyed, primitively bird-like creatures belonging to the subclass polyopsidae. They are endemic to the planet Vuunega. Although their origin is nebulous at best, they are known to have evolved multiple eyes. In earlier species these eyes were all separated but in later creatures they had coalesced into a single primary organ center to more easily handle the nerve signals. Due to the similarities in their eyes with those found in both the planets' wrays as well as the arthromorphs, it is theorized that these three groups may actually share a common ancestor.

Polyopsids are five-limbed creatures, and very few examples of them still exist on the planet outside of the highly successful yet highly specialized tripediornids. Most polyopsids were incapable of flight and could be associated best perhaps with some of Earth's primitive amphibians, reptiles and synapsids, although they would be replaced in this role by the terrapods and later still the tentacleiosaurs.

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