A eukaryote (/juːˈkæri.oʊt/ or /juːˈkæriət/) is an organism whose cells contain complex structures enclosed within membranes. The defining membrane-bound structure that sets eukaryotic cells apart from prokaryotic cells is the nucleus, or nuclear envelope, within which the genetic material is carried. The presence of a nucleus gives eukaryotes their name, which comes from the Greek ευ (eu, "good") and κάρυον (karyon, "nut" or "kernel"). Most eukaryotic cells also contain other membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria, the Golgi apparatus. In addition, plants and algae contain chloroplasts. Many unicellular organisms are eukaryotes, such as protozoa. All multicellular organisms are eukaryotes, including animals, plants and fungi. aliens
All items (1040)
- Aardvark
- Abednedo
- Abelisaurus
- Aboleth
- Abyssin
- Acacia Ant
- Achernonian
- Achillobator
- Acid Lizard
- Acrocanthosaurus
- Adder Moss
- Aecyto Weevil
- Aegyptopithecus
- Aerodactyl
- Aeronite
- Afanc (Dungeons & Dragons)
- African bush elephant
- African Wild Ass
- African wild dog
- Agropelter
- Ahool
- Akantor
- Alaskan therizinosaur
- Alert Spider
- Alolan Raichu
- Alolan Raticate
- Alomomola
- Alphadon
- Alpine ibex
- Amargospinus
- Amebelodon
- Amebzian
- American black bear
- American Lion
- American woolly Theriziosaur
- Amphibiosan
- Ancestor Moth
- Ancient Katydid
- Ancient Wyvern (Enroth)
- Angel
- Angel Kernel
- Anime cat human
- Ant (Elder Scrolls)
- Ant Lion (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Antarctic Krill
- Antler Grass
- Ape (Final Fantasy Adventure)
- Apeis stupidius
- Apis andrenimelli
- Aquafly
- Aquaprimatus
- Aquatican
- Arabic: Julto
- Aracha
- Arbok
- Arceus
- Archaeoindris
- Archaeotherium
- Arctic Santabearded Evil Lorax
- Arctic Tyrannosaurus
- Argonian
- Army Ant (American McGee's Alice)
- Army Ant (Hasbro)
- Arrowtail Deeno
- Articuno
- Artott
- Aruroda
- Ash Hopper
- Asian Elephant
- Asian giant hornet
- Assault Spider
- Astrocetus
- Astrodon
- Atlantic Sea King
- Austroraptor
- Avin
- Aye-aye
- Baby Blizzard Bear
- Baeus
- Bagnadrana
- Baird's Tapir
- Bald Eagle
- Bali Myna
- Balrog
- Banana Bird
- Banapple
- Bar-Lgura
- Bas
- Bastiodon
- Battletoad
- Beachplug
- Bean (Spore Animal)
- Bear owl (Croods)
- Bearger
- Beetull
- Beluga
- Bewear
- Bewilderbeast
- Bibarel
- Big Caesar
- Bigfoot
- Bigger Chungus
- Biln
- Bitesize
- Black & White Tiger
- Black Beauty Stick Insect
- Black Terror Ant
- Blade Scorpion
- Blastercyst
- Bleached Rattlesnake
- Bliblie
- Blink (Diablo)
- Blinky
- Blobfish
- Blood Thrasher
- Bloody Wasp
- Blue Angel
- Blue Crayfish
- Blue Dartwing
- Blue Whale
- Blurp
- Bog-Rat
- Bokoblin
- Bolterfly
- Bone Hawk
- Bonnethead Shark
- Boogey man
- Boombo Bird
- Boov
- Bosh
- Brayniac
- Brazilian Gracile Opossum
- Brenchian
- Brown rat
- Bruxish
- Bub (Cheep Cheep species)
- Bulbfly
- Bulbous
- Bulette
- Bullywug
- Bunyip
- Buoygea
- Burmecian
- Burrow Octorok
- Burrower (Metroid)
- Cactus Cat
- California Sea Lion
- Canada Lynx
- Candy Cat
- Candy Sprite
- Capybara
- Carabus excellens
- Carabus lopatini
- Carabus solieri
- Carabus stscheglowi
- Carabus truncaticollis
- Carabus vietinghoffii
- Caracal
- Carcharodontosaurus
- Care Bear
- Carpathian wisent
- Carroboscis
- Carrot
- CatDog
- Cathay (Khajiit)
- Catoblepas