All Species Wiki
General information
Universe Super Mario
Classification Mechapis stridorevidens
Species type Mechanical Bee
Homeworld Northern Kremisphere
Intelligence Non-sapient
Biochemistry Metal-based
Biological information
Reproduction Oviparous
Locomotion Hexapedal
Feeding behavior Herbivorous
Lineage information
Cultural information
Alignment Bad
Personality Mean
Affiliation(s) Kremling Krew
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Planet Earth
Domain Machina
Kingdom Mechanimalia
Phylum Mecharthropoda
Class Mechinsecta
Order Mechymenoptera
Family Mechapidae
Genus Mechapis
Species M. stridorevidens
Other information

Buzzes are enemies seen in Donkey Kong Country 3, they are the mechanical versions of Zingers.
