All Species Wiki
General information
Universe SPORE
Homeworld Lingua
Intelligence Non-sapient
Biochemistry Carbon-based lifeform
Biological information
Locomotion Salial hopping
Feeding behavior Omnivorous
Distinctive features Shaped like the letter 'B'
Skin color Reddish
Lineage information
Cultural information
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Other information
Status Data Deficient
Creator Unknown (in-universe)
Somarinoa (real life)

The B is a strange creature. It is unknown if their design is a simple coincidence or if a race who had kept an eye on mankind before altering a number of species in an attempt to communicate with man that they had watched over them. While the Human race was in fact the race who first discovered them, no "galactic god" species has ever shown themselves to state they created the species. They are therefore left as a mystery of the galaxy, and a minor wonder.


  • SPORE (First appearance)