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The anoplolepis gracillipes or the yellow crazy ant is a type of ant in the anoplolepis genera or the pugnacious ant. It is found in the formicidea family in the hymenoptera order whitch includes other ants, bees, wasps and sawflies. This species is closely related to the black pugnacious ant and the common pugnacious ant.and are polygynous

Yellow crazy ant
General information
Universe big bang
Aliases Aphids
Classification Anoplolepis
Species type Ant
Homeworld Real world
Environment India-australia
Intelligence Good for an insect
Biochemistry very invasive
Discovered 3/7/2022
Discoverer master yellow cray ant
Biological information
Lifespan 78-84 days
Reproduction Egg-larva-pupea-adult
Average length 2 cm
Locomotion walks using 6 legs, queen and drones fly
Feeding behavior honeydew, dead insects, and human junk food
Prey Weak insects except aphids
Predators spiders and a type of toad
Skin color Yellow-orange
Lineage information
Cultural information
Personality aggresive, protective
Language(s) antenna stroke
Capital city the queen chamber
Leaders queen
Sociocultral characteristics
Members queen, larva, pupa, egg, drones and worker
Scientific taxonomy
Planet earth
Kingdom animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class Insecta
Order hyenoptera
Family Formicidae
Genus Anoplolepis
Race none
Other information
Possible population Super common


Yellow crazy ants usually eat dead insects. When they die they take it back to the colony and feed thier young. They heavily depend on another source, aphids. When aphids eat they make honeydew which the ants harvest and eat. The ants have a social stomach which they use to feed other ants through a process called trophophelosis. The ants touches an ant's cheeks with its antenna and the other ant feeds it. This species is a generalist feeder. It is also able to eat fruits.

Life cycle[]

Ants reproduce by a method called budding.[not verified] In this methord. The queen ant and a few worker ant locates a new nest by walking without flying. These ants prefer to nest in ready made cavities. If these cavities are too small then expansion is done. Yellow crazy ants will nest in soil, cracks in walls. Between the tiles. And even within trees. Nearby colonies sometimes attack each other. Yellow crazy ants are capable of forming supercolonies with multiple queens.
