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Aluur are a monster species made by Cyfrin on YouTube. This species is a female only species.

General information
Universe Cyfrin
Aliases The Princesses of Arcania
Classification Mammals
Scientific synonyms Alien Humanoids
Species type Humanoids
Homeworld Arcania
Environment Any environment
Intelligence 1000000 IQ
Biochemistry A lot
Discovered 2019
Discoverer Cyfrin
Biological information
Lifespan 79
Reproduction Asexual
Eye color Varied
Skin color Varied
Lineage information
Cultural information
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Class Mammal
Other information
Status Least Concern
Creator Cyfrin


This species is a humanoid alien species that has unnatural skin, either a natural or an unnatural eye colour, short to long hair, and have long antennas coming from the top of their head. This species is known for wearing fashion from dresses to bikinis to even more than one of their most famous clothing.
