All Species Wiki
Aldebaran Serpent
Aldebaran Serpent
General information
Universe Star Trek
Species type Hydra
Homeworld Aldebaran System
Intelligence Non-sapient
Biological information
Locomotion Floating or hovering
Lineage information
Cultural information
Alignment Neutral
Sociocultral characteristics
Scientific taxonomy
Other information
Status Data Deficient (possibly extinct)

The Aldebaran serpent is a translucent-skinned entity indigenous to the Aldebaran system. Somewhat cobra-like in physiology, it has three heads each with its own mindset that emerge from a brilliantly glowing, hovering sphere which is itself surrounded by smaller lights. This hints at an origin that is not carbon-based.

The creature was a favorite form of one Q before the evolution of mankind; this large time frame may indicate that they have since gone extinct by the 2300s or evolved into a new form, but this is not necessarily true if the species is particularly successful and resilient in this form.
